Is the story of the place my story?
Is this the recipe for a successful business?

The business itself must represent you. I believe very much in this statement, because I did so at the beginning of Fratelli and I really believe that this leads a business to success or not. It is a principle that works in other areas as well, for example, when writing a text – you must first of all like what you wrote, be pleased with the result, so that it can be seen in the same way by others.

But, anyway, I want to point out another important thing. You don’t do a business for others and you don’t have to look for recipes to succeed. The Fratelli story started from the simple desire of our wives, mine and Mihai’s, my brother, to have a business to manage it. Thus, we made a bar as we would love to, with French croissants, good music, a bar for us and our friends where to spend quality time together. 

The vibe of this place, the positive energy and the beautiful people who began to constantly come to our pub made this space full, day by day. And only then we said to ourselves, “OK, what’s next?”, so we decided to open our next location, and the next one, until today, over 14 years away, when we continue to expand.

So, yes, the story of the business is also your story. Believe in it, build it the way you want to, step by step, with 100% dedication and involvement and, above all, with attention to details and to novelties from the HoReCa area. Be connected to all the new trends, the market is in continuous development.